VeXeN's Articles In Work Reports
January 21, 2004 by VeXeN
Got in this morning to find one of the rendering boxes had crashed the night before so my render is still going even as I type this.. Lame. 1. fix some minor problems with hands and such being render in weird area's it's the old "max render bug" where mesh seems to like to fly around the screen and set up shop where ever it feels like. After 6 versions they have yet to fix this bug, I predict in version 14 it finally may be. 2. Basically got the Main Intro for Gal Civ 2 going, I g...
January 22, 2004 by VeXeN
Worked on the cut scene some more today, I had some more scenes that needed to be added to the edit. Mostly worked in aftereffects getting the timing down, seems like everyone was pretty happy with the overall look of the intro. I also removed a large part of intro and added one from gal civ 1 (Ship entering stargate) it looks like it fits and really does make sense since the scene is basically about the past. Talked with Kristoff about the second part of intro and it seems we are on trac...